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Atr 72 600 Fsx


Atr 72 600 Price

Atr 72-600 performance

Screenshot of ATR 72-500 TM on runway.Description:The Manual/Checklist describes all necessary settings and operations for the 'ATR72-500', starting with a 'dark and cold' panel/engine. From Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to 'cold'. I am using MSFS since the beginning and finally I was tired to fly starting with a running engine and ending the flight the same way. So I made my personal checklists to make it for me 'As Real As It Gets'. I collected checklists for my preferred aircraft from the software packages, from various internet-pages, from the manufacturer (if already existing) and - of course - with the help of a good friend, who is a flight instructor. After a long time of testing, I now publish my Manuals/Checklists, thinking that flightsim enthusiasts my have fun using it.

Atr 72-600 Addon For Fsx

Many times I have profited from other people downloading their files. Now it's my turn.How to print it:You need Acrobat Reader (should be version 5+), freeware, which is already installed on most computers (it came also with FS2002 on CD nr.1). Load the file 'ATR72-500.pdf' and in the Print-menu check the 3 boxes 'Shrink oversized pages to paper size', 'Expand small pages to paper size' and 'Auto-rotate and center pages'.

Print first the 'Odd-pages', change the sequence of the printed pages and put it again in the printer; then print the 'Even-pages' and fold the booklet. I'm sure, you will find out!How to use it:The Manual/Checklist is intended to start with a 'dark and cold' panel/engine. If you want to get the maximum from this booklet, you should create an adequate starting situation. If you are used to start flight simulator with running engines and avionics ready for takeoff, place the aircraft at a gate, or a parking position, use the Manual/Checklist items at its end from 'Taxi to ramp' until 'Shutdown' and 'Securing'; then you should have the desired situation.

Atr 72 P3d V4

As a guideline, I gave the Torque% values for different sections of the flight. The Torque% values my be incorrect, if you takeoff and/or land on airports much above 2500ft MSL.Credits:Thanks to Francisco Sanchez for his great aircraft and panel.Thanks to him for his permission to use his documentation as part of this Manual/Checklist.Werner SchottSwitzerland. File ContentsThis list displays the first 500 files in the package.

If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.